Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology Diagnostic Film Goodwill Hunting Essay

Diagnosis The client is a male in his early 20’s. He presents with a number of symptoms associated with antisocial personality disorder. The client has a history of breaking the law. He has been arrested a number of times for charges ranging from assault to grand theft auto. The client’s most recent arrest was the result of a street fight which led to the client punching the arresting officer. After getting out of jail on bail the client started picking a fight with another individual, however, this encounter did not lead to physical violence. In addition to this history, the client partakes in a number of high risk behaviors including drinking and smoking. He has a history of being in and out of foster homes and juvenile detention as a child. There is a history of physical abuse. He currently lives alone. The client is very intelligent, quiet, and guarded. He has a noticeable problem with any authority figure. The client also has a tendency to make up stories. According to the DSM criteria, it is clear that this client has a personality disorder. General criteria for personality disorders are detailed in the following paragraphs (Morrison, 1995). The individual must present with symptoms that deviate from their culture. Specifically, they must exhibit at least two of the following: deviation in affect, cognition, impulse control, or interpersonal functioning. This client displays deviation in cognition and impulse control. He is extremely intelligent; however, he did not continue on to college and currently works as a janitor. Based on his fighting behavior, it appears the client feels others are against him. During therapy sessions, the client made up stories and jokes due to his negative thoughts toward therapy. It is also clear that he feels others were against him or trying to hurt him. This is seen in his inability to form close relationships. He also displays impulse control, again evidenced by his continual fighting. For these symptoms to be categorized as a personality disorder they must affect the individuals personal and social life and last a long time, beginning in childhood. This client’s fighting caused him to spend time in jail. Additionally, his lies, guardedness, and poor cognitions resulted in the break up of him and his girlfriend. These symptoms have been present since childhood, as the client has spent time in juvenile detention. Finally, these symptoms can not be attributed to any other mental health disorder or medical condition. Neither of these types of conditions is present.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Specific to Antisocial Personality Disorder, symptoms must have began before 15 years old. These include repeated violations of rules, age appropriate norms, or other’s rights. Specific symptoms in adulthood include aggression against people or animals, property destruction, lying or theft, and serious rule violations. To meet criteria the individual must display at least three of these symptoms. The client clearly had aggression issues toward other, as evidenced by his repeatedly starting fights. He also had a number of prior arrests for assault. It was also noted that he had been arrested for grand theft auto. This client also has a tendency to lie. He was not selective to who he lied to either. One example of this was with his girlfriend. He told her he was from a big family and has 12 brothers. The client also lied in the beginning of his therapy sessions. As noted this client does not appear to have any Axis I diagnosis, however additional information is needed. His Axis II diagnosis is Antisocial Personality Disorder. There was no report of any medical condition.   This client is experiencing a number of Axis IV psychosocial stressors. The client is intelligent however he has a low paying job. His educational stressors begin with the professor begins putting too much pressure on him regarding the mathematical proofs. Finally, he lives alone and there is a history of physical abuse. The abuse may be a root cause of his behaviors as an adult. The client’s GAF is 80. His behaviors are causing problems in his life however, the client is able to care from himself and hold down employment.   Axis I: 799.9 Deferred Axis II: Antisocial Personality Disorder Axis III: none Axis IV: psychosocial stressors: occupational, educational, lives alone, history of abuse Axis V: 80 Ethics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are a number of ethical violations throughout the course of the film. One condition of the client’s release from jail was that he attends therapy sessions. During the first two therapy sessions the professor and his graduate student were in the room with the client and the therapist. Even though the professor was legally responsible for the client, clients still have the right to confidentiality. Finally, the third therapist honored the client’s rights. When the therapy session began he asked the other two to leave.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This therapist, however, also violated ethics on a number of occasions. During the first session with the client, he took the client’s comments about his wife personally. To stand up for his wife, the therapist lunged at the client and choked him at the same time threatening him. In a less direct way the therapist was harsh with the client in the beginning. He did not seem to treat the client in an unbiased helping way.   There is also the issue of physical contact. The therapist knew the client had experienced physical abuse as a child. However, he forced the client to hug him near the end of the film. While this ended up to be the therapeutic push the client needed to open up it could have caused more emotional harm.   This therapist also used derogatory language with the client which is a violation to ethics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main character was not the only character in this story who displayed overt behaviors. The therapist and the professor both expressed their own personal vises throughout the film. The professor was a perfectionist and tried to instill this onto the client. He became visibly frustrated when the client was not interested in continuing with his mathematical work or attending the job interviews. There was also tension between him and the therapist due in part to this perfectionist attitude. However, throughout the film, the professor learned that not everyone had the same ambitions as he and sometimes being perfect did not matter. The therapist also expressed some overt behaviors. The main one was when he lost control during the first meeting with his client. Throughout the therapy sessions the therapist also disclosed information about him self. Second Diagnosis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some of the symptoms this client displayed could be diagnosed as Major Depressive disorder. To met criteria for this disorder the individual must experience five of the following symptoms with in the same two weeks: depressed mood almost everyday, loss of interest in regular activities, weight gain or loss exceeding 5% of their typical weight, too little or too much sleep, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, poor concentration, or suicidal ideation. Additionally, these symptoms are such that others notice changes in the individual’s behavior. This client exhibited a number of these symptoms. When hanging out with his friends, he was typically quite and withdrawn. He also seemed to lose interest in typical activities; specifically, spending time at the bar with his friends. On one such occasion, he stated that he didn’t want to hang out and just wanted to go home. The client also displayed a loss of sleep. In one scene the client was still awake after hanging out all night. His self worth was also low. He did not feel that he was worthy for happiness. This attitude was seen throughout the film, specifically, when he was talking to the therapist and during a fight with his girl friend. There also was a conversation with his best friend regarding his potential. He stated that he was not going anywhere and their kids would grow up together. Finally, he exhibited a slight problem with his concentration. During therapy sessions the client tended to jump from one topic to another. Taking these symptoms into consideration, this client’s official diagnosis would be as follows: Axis I: Major Depressive Disorder Axis II: deferred Axis III: none Axis III: none Axis IV: psychosocial stressors: occupational, educational, lives alone, history of abuse Axis V: 80   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This diagnosis was not chosen, however, due to the onset of the client’s symptoms. He began exhibiting symptoms in his childhood. Typically disorders such as conduct disorder which involves behaviors such as fighting and rule violations as a child lead to personality disorders as an adult. While this client may have presented with some depressive symptoms, this is not the strongest diagnosis for this client. Treatment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two different types of treatment are presented in this film. First, with one of the first therapist was hypnotism. This treatment is typically used to take an individual back to a previous time, usually childhood. The goal is for the client to relive a traumatic event in a safe environment in order to come to terms with what happened. This client however, was guarded and against treatment and made jokes during the treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Psychoanalysis was used with the other two therapists. Again with the first therapist, the client was guarded and did not cooperate with the treatment, making a joke and putting the therapist down. The last therapist however, made progress with the client. With this type of treatment, the goal is to get the client talking about the events of their life in order to solve problems on their own. It is also often helpful for clients to have a sounding board. This treatment was successful because the therapist met the client on his level. He did not try to pry into the client’s history prematurely.   One important aspect to psychoanalytic therapy is building a relationship between the client and the therapist (Andreason & Black, 2006). This therapy technique also involves verbal communication (Andreason & Black, 2006). This is helpful with high functioning clients who are capable of introspection. When the therapist is nonjudgmental the client feels comfortable to disclose information. Knowing that the client is very high functioning, this is the best therapy for him. Goals for Treatment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the client’s issues was his recurring run-ins with the law. The first goal for this client would be to decrease number of arrests. Objectives would include the following: (a) attend anger management group therapy, (b) avoid situations that may provide the opportunity to get in trouble, and (c) continue with individual therapy to get to the root of the client’s anger issues. Another problem the client has is his negative attitude toward authority. The goal for this issue would be to increase respect for authority. This would be achieved by (a) continued individual therapy and (b) finding a male role model. Finally, the client has low self esteem which may be leading to his lack of ambition. The goal here would be for the client to participate in activities to increase his self esteem. This can be achieved with the following objectives: (a) positive self affirmations on a daily basis and (b) introspection exercises. This client experienced a lot of trauma as a child which has negatively affected his adulthood. Therefore, both the therapist and the client must be patient to see changes. References Andreasen, N. C. & Black, D. W. (2006). Introductory textbook of psychiatry 4th ed. Washington DC. American Psychiatric Publishers. Bender, L. (1997). â€Å"Good Will Hunting†. Morrison J. (1995). DSM-IV made easy. The Guilford Press: New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   York.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The day the Balloon Popped

To them, this situation didn't have a remote effect on their life, but to me, this caused my whole life to change. Even to this day, every time I am punished, I recall this soul destroying incident. But fortunately I have changed. Sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Joe Levi, I am the eldest out of three children. I am fifteen years old, very tall and sturdy like my father. I am looked up to by all my siblings and in a way, l lead them through their lives. My role model is definitely my father, part of the reason being that I am known as a miniature him. I have a big sense of responsibility in the family as I am always the first child to do or try out something new. Like every other child, I have my fears but I am much too proud to admit them. Exactly seven years ago, I experienced a day that had great significance to the rest of my life. This is an account on what happened. It was coming up to the big day. This was going to be the first time I had ever slept away from my parents. I was going to be sleeping at my Grandma's flat in the West End. To me, this was much more exciting than even a holiday. My parents had finally felt that I was responsible enough to stay away from them and be in charge of myself. I was buzzing with excitement. The closer it got, the bigger I felt. I was a balloon being blown up. I felt that I was supreme. Nothing could stand in my way. Until this incidence, I had been a plant, continuously growing upwards towards the sky. My parent's were always proud of me, academically but more importantly, they loved all my character-traits. My Grandma would be taking me into Central London, and as it was around Christmas time, it would be livelier than ever. I would be going to the Theatre late at night and afterwards, I would be going to a famous Creperie. Nothing could be more exciting. I had thoughts and feelings rushing through my body. The balloon was expanding, getting bigger and bigger. It was three days before the occasion and l had one of my closest friends over at my house. Surprisingly, the Sun was shining and it was a very warm day. So, we decided to have some fun with the sun. We got a big antique magnifine-glass out from the dining room cupboard, then stealing a piece of paper from the printer, we went out into the garden. Using the magnifine-glass, we focused the sun's rays onto the corner of the piece of paper. Suddenly, the edge of the paper started glowing red. It was fascinating. It continued to glow, but soon became a stronger colour and started spreading exuberantly. Suddenly, the first flame appeared. Wow! It was amazing what the Sun could do to a piece of paper, so far away. I found my dark hazel eyes fixed into the fire and didn't notice the whole paper bursting into flames. I screamed, my friend screamed. We poured a bucket of water over the piece of paper and put it in the bin. Before we could even open our mouths to let out a sigh or relief, the whole bin set alight. My mum came rushing down the stairs and It was as if the whole situation had combusted. I was terrified. I was frightened. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I stared at the roaring flames, taking over my life. My mum, who was only ever seen calm, went from blue to red to orange. She went into an explosive mood. After she put out the conflagration and my friend was sent home, I sat next to my inflaming mother. When I heard the punishment that I had been given, I couldn't believe my ears. The plant stopped growing, the balloon popped. I felt as if I had disintegrated into a pile of ashes. I was as hot as the sun. I still couldn't believe the cruel, deflating punishment that had been chosen. I thought to myself, what was so bad about what I did? All my friends did it. It was unfeasible to think that something I viewed as so minor, was actually so dangerous and life-threatening. My parents knew how much I was looking forward to staying at my Grandma's. Tears started pouring down my red eyes and onto my rose cheeks. I felt put down. I felt embarrassed. What would happen when my siblings found out? I thought that they may no longer look up to me. My brain was sizzling, my head was frying. I started bellowing at my evil mother but she didn't even look at me. I lay in my room, staring outside into the garden, watching all my siblings making snowmen with their friends and having fun snow fights. I started imagining what I could of be doing if I wasn't punished. I felt completely terrible. I felt as lowly as a worm. I pictured my grandma taking someone else to the theatre, having fun with another person. Anger started building up inside of me. I could feel it spreading throughout my body. It is amazing that, something which has had such a huge long-term impact on me, had been forgotten about an hour after the incident by my parents. I was as hot as hell; however they were as cool as a cucumber. To them, this situation didn't have a remote effect on their life, but to me, this caused my whole life to progress. Even to this day, every time I am punished, I recall this soul destroying incident. But fortunately I have changed. I now deflate less and less; I stay strong and carry on growing upwards towards the sky.

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Financial Reporting Standards Essay - 4

International Financial Reporting Standards - Essay Example As such, it does not outline an industry specific platform that guides and regulates its style of reporting. The existence of financial reporting standards acknowledged across the global platform, such as IFRS, is important especially to multinational corporations and global companies that operate in different countries across the world, with subsidiaries and interests in countries with different approaches to financial accounting and reporting. Therefore, the existence of such internationally acknowledged reporting standards enables these corporations to consolidate their financial statements, especially when returning the profits from subsidiaries to the parent company. A good example of such a multinational corporation that has overseas subsidiaries is the MacDonald’s Chain of Restaurants, whose mother company is in the united states but is has a global presence with its restaurants located in major markets across the world such as Asia and Europe. Despite the numerous benefits that come about to international corporations with their use and application of the IFRS guidelines, its application is not so efficient as an accounting practice because it acts merely as a guideline and not as a rule, or a principle, which accountants should follow and adhere to when preparing and reporting financial statements. This rule out the possibility of all companies applying these standards in their reporting and preparation of financial statements because there is no legal means of enforcing these standards. The lack of a strict enforcement mechanism makes it very difficult for international companies to apply IFRS principles in accounting. As such, these companies only follow these rules out of choice, especially because they want to achieve a global look, rather than following the formalities. However, if in the event these companies, especially the multinational

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Not everybody loved the Apollo space program Essay

Not everybody loved the Apollo space program - Essay Example The Apollo’s program size went beyond the Panama Canal in its size as the largest non-military technological activity the U.S engaged in throughout her history. The only comparable project to the Apollo was Manhattan project although from a different perspective as it involved wartime setting. The human space shift imperative served as a direct outgrowth of the earlier projects of Gemini as well as Apollo that had earlier been designed to execute the same goal. The successful accomplishment of the goal was however realized on 20th July, 1969 through the use of Apollo 11 when Neil Armstrong stepped out of the space shift and made contact with the moon’s surface (Walsh 13). Despite the significant achievement, majority of individuals as well as organizations within the federal state criticized the project of the Apollo Lunar Programs. The paper explores the main arguments presented by the critiques most of them based on the amount of money spent and the possible alternati ves that the critiques argued the money would be spent (Bernstein 19). Consequently, the paper examines whether the options presented by the critics of the Apollo Lunar project change over time and if changes occurred, the presented alternatives are brought into perspective. The fight for the balance of power between the US and the Soviet Union remain the primary reason that drove Kennedy to advance with the moon project. The soviet’s Union superiority in airspace exploration remained a significant driver for ensuring the US accomplished her mission of lunar exploration as a sign of pride and again to assume the superiority of the air. According to Kingsley, (29), â€Å"irrespective of the prestige that came about with the achievements; opinions from the public regarding the processes were divided.† When Neil Armstrong and Aldrin set foot on the moon, it marked the beginning of a process that led to the greatest opposition among scientists, scholars, as well as standard public

Inception (2010) - A Review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Inception (2010) - A - Movie Review Example There is no denying the fact that Nolan’s primary theme in Inception is the dream world. The mastery of Nolan lies in his ability to use the cinematic devices to bring to the life the hitherto unexplored dynamics of the dream world. Not only Nolan manages to create a complicated maze meandering into the dreams of the characters in the movie, but also succeeds in soliciting the trust and confidence of his viewers in his ability to lead them through this dream world, as the viewers here are significantly prone to getting disoriented and lost. The story line is very different from that of any average movie in the sense that here, even if the viewers are told as to how the movie ends, still they are bound to being unable to grasp anything without knowing how it got there. Actually the movie revolves around ‘how it got there’ to baffle and grip the viewers. In that sense, Inception is more of a process than an outcome, a process that dissects through varied layers of t he dream world, and graduates to explore dreams within dreams, trying to grasp the reality within dreams and bringing to fore the dreams without any reality. The characters in the movie are made to juggle their way through overlapping sheets of the real and the imagined. Herein lays the ultimate interest and strength of the whole movie. The good thing about the movie is that as with the characters in the movie, the viewers are as much bound to being left hanging adrift in time, space and experience. Many a times the viewers are left unsure as to the correlation existing between the real time in which they are viewing the movie and the dream time in which most of the plot unfolds. Nolan does manage to anchor this movie based on the esoteric interplay of dreams by bringing in an emotional thread in the... There is no denying the fact that Nolan’s primary theme in Inception is the dream world. The mastery of Nolan lies in his ability to use the cinematic devices to bring to the life the hitherto unexplored dynamics of the dream world. Not only Nolan manages to create a complicated maze meandering into the dreams of the characters in the movie but also succeeds in soliciting the trust and confidence of his viewers in his ability to lead them through this dream world, as the viewers here are significantly prone to get disoriented and lost. The story line is very different from that of any average movie in the sense that here, even if the viewers are told as to how the movie ends, still they are bound to being unable to grasp anything without knowing how it got there. Actually, the movie revolves around ‘how it got there’ to baffle and grip the viewers. In that sense, Inception is more of a process than an outcome, a process that dissects through varied layers of the d ream world, and graduates to explore dreams within dreams, trying to grasp the reality within dreams and bringing to fore the dreams without any reality. The characters in the movie are made to juggle their way through overlapping sheets of the real and the imagined. Herein lays the ultimate interest and strength of the whole movie. In that sense, Inception not only deserves the 148 minutes of undivided attention of the viewers but also warrants a second visit. In fact, it is much better if the viewers go to this movie, largely uninformed.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gulf case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gulf - Case Study Example The manufacturing process remains a single manufacturing process as it was before introduction of the general furniture for producing both furniture types. The quality of furniture depends on the expertise and skills of individual workers and type of wood used. More focus and priority is on the customized furniture because of their large share of sales despite the increase in sales of the general-purpose furniture. The business grapples with controlling large inventory of general-purpose furniture. Generally, the sales volumes are large but the financials do not indicates tangible profitability. Seemingly, the expansion into the production of the general-purpose furniture by Gulf Creative Ideas was not a sound strategy. The company seems to have not put in place a continuous strategy for reducing the inventory investment while at the same time increasing the performance of the production of its two classes of furniture. What could be the most possible reason for the low levels of profitability against sales in the case of this company is that, by expanding their inventory, costs rise from additional needs. According to Altendorfer (2013), in similar cases the rising costs may always be because of requirements for more storage space, increased costs of labor for the additional units in their procurement and sourcing. Another issue facing Gulf Creative Ideas could be the reluctance of the management to remove the slow moving general-purpose furniture from their product portfolio and this eats up its earnings in the additional costs that increase at faster rates than revenues into the company hence low profitability. The single manufacturing process and additional product line without a strategic sequence for production of the two product lines has led to increased sales volumes within the company but ignored the most important factor, of controlling the inventory, leaving profitability unchecked because of high costs. For this

Friday, July 26, 2019

Does the corporate governance maximize shareholders wealth Essay

Does the corporate governance maximize shareholders wealth - Essay Example Shareholders are interested to know if the risk they took in investing in the company provided returns that increase the wealth not only of the company but also of the shareholders as well. II. Critical evaluation of corporate governance of a selected company Leeds Group’s trading operations are conducted by Hemmers-Itex Textil Import Export GmbH. Hemmers is based in Nordhorn, Germany and has a Chinese subsidiary based in Shanghai. Together these companies employ some 120 people and achieved fabric sales of 13.1 million linear metres in the year ended 30 September 2009 (Leeds Group 2012). Inferring from the annual report of Leeds PLC, it can be said that the company is conservative in applying its cost. Conservative in applying cost meant providing generous allowance for expense to have a more accurate and realistic cost of the company. In fact, Leeds PLC may be one of few companies who are â€Å"honest enough† to reflect a s of  £454,000 in the fiscal year 2012 (Leeds Group PLC 2012) that would be seen by its shareholders. It is tough for the company to reflect a loss on annual report because it may not sit well with the shareholders who might withdraw their investments in the company and leave the company broke affecting not only its liquidity but also its financial position. ... The classical approach to organisational effectiveness was mainly from a managerial viewpoint. Further, classical organisational effectiveness postulated that hard and efficient labour would ultimately reap rewards for management and employees, by increasing the performance outcomes of the organisation. Thus, by raising the productivity, higher profits would be accrued, which in turn would give rise to higher pay, and consequently improved worker satisfaction (Etzioni, 1964). Today’s concepts of effective organisations and management are related to past perspectives (Baker and Branch, 2002). The contemporary globalisation of business profoundly increases the level of competition in most industries. For example, Singapore aspires to lead the biotech industry, Korea’s Samsung and LG have become established worldwide as reputed brands, while Malaysia is a leader in chip manufacturing. â€Å"These new competitors have advantages that range from geography to high-skill, rel atively low-wage workforces† (Lawler and Worley, 2011, p.4). The greatest changes in the recent decades relate to rapid developments in technology and telecommunications including the Internet, satellite TV, and cell phones linking most parts of the world, creating new business opportunities (Lawler and Worley, 2011). Significantly, the classical school developed universal principles applicable to all organisations in all situations. â€Å"The classical theorists conceived of organisations as mechanical devices to achieve oranisational goals and objectives† (Alajloni et al., 2010, p.60). Although classical organisational effectiveness has sustained through several changes in organisational management

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hopes and fears for the college Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hopes and fears for the college - Essay Example II. The main purpose of students of going to school is for them to succeed in life and they enter the walls of colleges with the hope that they will be able to step up the ladder of success. a. The first point to be discussed is the hope of building a good foundation, especially regarding school grades. Transition sentence: Gaining good grades is essential because it establishes how professors might perceive students and eventually treat them accordingly. b. Secondly, we will explore the hope of having good experiences with professors. Transition sentence: Ultimately, class performances and relationship with professors will determine how well one socializes not only with classmates but also with schoolmates and other people outside the campus. c. Thirdly, the hope of making good friends will be discussed. Transition sentence: it would be interesting to note what could be the opposite of these positive and encouraging characteristics in students. III. Contrary to the positive outlook about college life mentioned earlier, there are also fears that one must face. a. Students fear failures. Transition sentence: Students fears can go beyond their performances and see people around them as threats, too. b. Students fear they will have strict professors who will make their lives miserable. Transition sentence: It is important to consider how professors relate with students because somehow, this will affect how they will be on their way out of the classroom. c. Students fear that they will not get along well with other people in a whole new world that they are entering. Transition sentence: These develop the many faces of students which eventually define them and their responses to the challenges of college life. IV. Conclusion: Hopes are wonderful and necessary but equally important is the presence of fear which, initially may be seen as negative, when balanced with the hopes a person has, there comes a union which propels college students to reach their dreams. Colle ge education is very important nowadays and so it has become the dream of almost every hopeful individual. Many people believe in the anti-apartheid revolutionary, Nelson Mandela who said that â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world†. Only a few may become famous in the challenge to change the world on a large scale however, transforming a life can be assured through education and one reformed life is less one miserable life in this world that ultimately changes the world. As such, many hope and dream to go to college and get a better life. Pursuing college education brings about hopes of young people that their dreams will come true however this is also coupled by the fears of what is beyond their imaginations and expectation. This writing will explore the common hopes and fears of college students and where these could possibly lead them in their endeavor. As one enjoys reading, it is the hope of this writer that readers will be illuminat ed about the optimism and terror that college students face. The main purpose of students going to school is for them to succeed in life and they enter the walls of colleges with the hope that they will be able to step up the ladder of success. Firstly, students hope to get good grades because this surely will help them build a good foundation for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Industrial relations in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Industrial relations in the UK - Essay Example The British state and its role in the industrial relations of the country can be considered as one of the most significant exhibition of the effects of the policies undertaken by the government and applied through the decisions undertaken by the nation. Through the course of history of the country, the past 30 years can be considered as the most significant area of study. This is due to the fact the most noteworthy decisions undertaken by the British government are undertaken during this ear. It can in fact be noted that the past decades comprise the most dynamic period in the country's history (Ackers and Wilkinson 2005). The importance of the past 30 years in the British history specifically in the aspect of the effects of governance and the role of the state with respect to industrial relations. The event that was considered to be the main event that altered and made the greatest impression in the development if the country's economy and industrial relation is during the Trade Union Law in 1979. The said law is related to the development that had occurred in the last 30 years in the industrial relations of country. ... The period prior to the legislation, was the establishment of policies that are unrelated to the legislation. There are even the developments of certain policies that were aimed to improve the industrial relations of the country but on the other hand are unrelated to the role of the state. Upon the attainment of the legislation that works on the role of the state in the improvement of the issues related a renewed phase dawned, the recognition of the role of the British state in the country's industrial relation (Clark, 2000). The realm that set the course of the British state and its role can then be analyze through the events that marked the development in the status and the participants in the industrial sector. The Changes and Developments in the Role of the State The history of the role of the British state regarding the industrial relations can be studied on the basis of the events that happened prior to the 1979 legislation, the contemporary events and situations simultaneous to the commencement of the legislation and the scenario upon the implementation of the altered role of the state. The early part in the history of the British industrial relations can be considered as one of the most difficult and trying stage. This can be related to the age of war during the said period. On the other hand after the war, the development of the alliance between the nations in the Atlantic region became one of the significant factors affecting the industrial relation (Clark, 2000). One of the most significant concepts is the 'Atlanticism' which is also referred to as the Atlantic alliance between the nations in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How improve NYSE European Market Operations by Joining Cash and Dissertation

How improve NYSE European Market Operations by Joining Cash and Derivatives - Dissertation Example In an effort to create the first cross-continent exchange group, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Euronext combined forces on April 4, 2007, creating NYSE Euronext, which is a cash market organization. Combined with the derivative markets in Europe, NYSE Euronext now has control over both markets and numerous products and services across the globe. Each organization works independently from each other in different areas of the market exchange, but combining them could offer the potential to establish a stronger organization. The leadership of NYSE Euronext recognized the need for change within the organization if the company was going to remain solvent and continue to provide professional service to the clientele who traded from the various locations. While this merger of the two types of market would benefit all the stakeholders, working through some of the issues may offer a challenge to upper management in the process. Each location, which is governed by a hierarchy that is familiar with the rules and regulations in that particular country, manages to provide the necessary services, but NYSE Euronext’s vision was to implement a model into the organization that would bridge the gap between cultures, markets, and products. By making this change, each location could then offer the clients a variety of products and services from one location. The history of each entity played an important role in the decision to press forward with the necessary changes. History The creation of NYSE Euronext emerged from the combination of several market trading organizations getting together to merge their efforts into making the market trading more conducive to customer and client interaction (Niederauer, 2012). The Paris market had a difficult start and eventually merged four market operators into one. The SBF, Matif SA, Monep SA, and Societe de Nauveau became ParisBourse SBF SA. The Brussels market became more competitive on the international market with the pass ing of the Financial Transactions and Market Act in 1990. Amsterdam, the oldest market in Europe, dealt with derivative transactions, while Lisbon was an all cash market. In 2000 the Lisbon, Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam market organizations joined forced to create the Euronext Company. There were four types of trading that took place between all of the combined companies. Global market data, trading solutions, exchange solutions, and global connectivity. With the introduction of technology to the trading industry, Euronext was able to improve the exchange of stocks and other forms of trading across the globe (Niederauer, 2012). Once the NYSE joined the Euronext collective, cross-border trading escalated to beyond comprehension of any one individual in any one of the companies that merged into NYSE Euronext. The inclusion of LIFFE to the Euronext group prompted the need for one group of analysts to oversee the needs of the company, which was spread across great distances. In order to create a cohesive team of traders, the hierarchy of NYSE Euronext and LIFFE

Monday, July 22, 2019

Scope of Practice of Assistant Practitioners Essay Example for Free

Scope of Practice of Assistant Practitioners Essay 1.1 Profession Radiographer 1.2 CPD number FORMTEXT CPD1234 2. Summary of recent work/practice My role as a radiographer practitioner comprises all the necessary information to practice my future profession. For instance, through the various lessons that I have studied so far, I have learned all the theory that a professional radiographer should know and I can link theory to practice. Moreover, I am able to work in a team and support my teammates in order to achieve better results. I worked in busy hours at the hospital and I gained the ability to manage workload. As a student radiographer, I became comfortable handling all the equipment in the radiology department of the hospital, which was achieved through the internship offered to us at the hospital as students. I gained wide experience in different modalities such as Mammography, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, DEXA, and Ultrasound. I have learned to correctly position the patient for any examination they need without the help of my supervisor. I also learned to use all radiography equipment safely by following the protocols needed. I learned the importance and the usage of contrast agent in various examinations in order to provide the right images to doctors for best diagnosis. Through my practice, I have acquired the ability to work independently and without supervision. Practical experience gives me a great opportunity to be prepared and understand my role as a future radiographer but also gave me the opportunity to work and collaborate with professionals and learn from their knowledge. I can communicate with patients, colleagues, and hospital doctors, as well as managing situations involving children. I had the opportunity to deal with people of various nationalities and different religions and I know the importance of respect in our field. I am able to communicate with routine patients, seriously ill patien ts and the staff of the hospital. I know all the protocols and rules of the radiology department in Cyprus. Also, through the nursing procedures lesson, I learned various and useful information in order to deal with different situations that I might face as the radiographer. Furthermore, I have learned where all the necessary equipment is placed for my own protection, but also for the patients. I know how the various trash bins in the radiology department are used such as the hazardous trash bins, as well as knowing how to properly protect myself from various illnesses that patients may have, but also how to properly clean and disinfect the area to prevent infection of other patients from infected patients. 3. Personal statement 3.1 Reflection The Gibbs Reflective Cycle is critical for our profession. It is a powerful tool for reflection after a critical incident that had significant positive or negative impact on me. Learning by practice (Gibbs, 1988) is essential for healthcare professionals and students. I use the Gibbs Cycle in order to overcome situations that generally do not have a good outcome. The chosen reflective cycle is using 5 stages that helped me to enhance my attitude and my critical thinking on quotidian activities (Clouder, 2000). Reflective cycle practically speaking is an ongoing education that is fundamental in learning process for me and for any student to build up the essential aptitudes and clinical thinking (Sladyk, 2001). Most healthcare professionals begin utilizing reflecting cycles in order to improve their skills and behavior for better results. Additionally, reflective cycle helped me to perceive my weaknesses and strengths in any circumstances and helped me to improve my knowledge in order to cope correctly in future. Reflecting cycles are very important and beneficial for my practice as they enable me to look at my practice and see what I would change and make it better in the future in order to improve my practice because my actions can benefit the patients an d me (Standard 3 and 4). Below, I will describe an incident that happened on an evening shift in Larnaca General Hospital and I realized how effective the Gibbs Reflective Cycle was for me. Gibbs reflective cycle consists of six stages, the first is the description of the incident (appendix 1). The second step is an analysis of the feelings I was shocked that the nurse did not use gloves or use alcohol prior touching the patient especially with the protocols and infection control guidelines everywhere in the department. I did not want to make her feel bad or uncomfortable but this is very important in order prevent infections. After the incident, she justified her actions by saying that she was in a rush and she forgot to do the correct procedure but she will not do that mistake again. The third step is evaluating this event was a good lesson for her in order to make her start using the protocols and guidelines and she responded positively to what my supervisor and other doctors told her. The fourth step is an analysis of the experience It is fact that hand hygiene is the most effective way to prevent infections at hospitals (Ltourneau, Alderson and Leibing, 2017). The cornerstone of infection prevention and control practices is the hand hygiene and can distinctly diminish hospital infections. Despite that, evidence showed that medical doctors and nurses demonstrate poor conformity (Kingston et al., 2017). As indicated by late reports from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, healthcare staff dont clean their hands as frequently as they ought to (CDC, 2016). The fifth step is the conclusion I understand that I need to support my colleagues even if I am not a nurse but if I see something that puts patients and us at risk I should mention it immediately in order to prevent worst situations. The sixth step is the action plan my action plan is to try to improve and develop my skills when I work with my colleagues to ensure the health and safety of the patients and I will make this a learning goal and I will discuss some strategies for how I can achieve that with my mentor. (Standard 3). 3.2 Medico-Legal Aspects Through medico-legal aspects, I realized the significance of confidentiality. It is very important in our area to have confidentiality between healthcare professionals and patients. For instance, there must be medical confidentiality and I cannot talk about, or discuss anything that has to do with a patient along with other colleagues or any other individuals. The only way this can be done is with the patients written consent or in cases of rape or abuse (Burris, 1995). I comprehend that I have legal and moral responsibility to protect the privacy of the patients unless the release of those data is required by law. Something else that is critical, is that occasionally there are patients who need medical help but they refuse it for their own reasons, for example, a justifiable reason is a religion. It is my duty to respect it, even if this can lead to the death of the patient. Furthermore, it is my task to inform the patient about the consequences of his choice and at the end, if he/she accept the treatment, I have to take his / her written consent and then proceed. Moreover, I recognize that all patients have the same rights and I cannot behave differently for each patient (Taylor, 2000). Therefore, I have to provide, equally to everyone, the best quality of service, it doesnt matter if someone is poor or rich. One of the principles incorporated in healthcare human rights is that healthcare must be accessible to anyone without discrimination concerning age, sex, race, disability, income or social status. Something very important in our field is that the patient must be able to make decisions about his or her health and that we cannot take decisions for them. In the economic field, it should be mentioned, that patients must be informed about the fees and charges of their treatm ent before accepting it and thus be able to choose what they consider to be the best for them (Hong, 2009). Medico-legal aspects are essential and must be followed for the patients safety, our own, but also the proper functioning of the hospital. (Standard 3 and 4). 3.3 Clinical Governance Trough clinical governance classes I realized the importance of clinical governance in healthcare areas. Clinical governance is defined as the system through which NHS organizations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care, by creating an environment in which clinical excellence will flourish (Scally and Donaldson, 1998). Clinical governance is very important as its role is to improve the safety and quality of the patients care. It is very important in order to achieve high standards in healthcare and this involves clinical and self-governance but also the management of resources. The components of clinical governance are very important in order to achieve what clinical governance aims to achieve. For example, some of the components of clinical governance is identifying the clinical risks of the patients and staff, also is maintaining the capacity and capability to deliver services and ensures the quality of the patients care. Through clinical governance, here are seven fields of activity which are utilized to ensure we convey the best quality healthcare to our patients and they are as following Risk Management, Staff Management, Clinical Audit, Education Training, Clinical Information, Clinical Effectiveness and Service Users, Carers General Public (Standard 3 and 4). There are many agencies that act as advisors in order to ensure clinical governance such as NICE, HCPC and SCoR, NPSA, ICRP and many other. I can say that clinical governance is applied in Larnaca General Hospital as through the two years that I am doing my training I saw many good changes in our department. For example, many times radiographers were sent to seminars about new methods of examinations that are better for patients and for us, also I know that in Larnaca General Hospital we have a very good mammography that other hospitals do not have yet. Furthermore, we have people that coming very often to check the equipment it is in a good condition and if is working correctly in order to ensure our safety but also the patients safety. Clinical Governance is very important and must be implemented in every hospital for the best of all, patients and staff. (Standard 3 and 4). 3.4 Manual Handling The Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) characterized the manual handling as any move or support of any onus by bodily force or by hand and this includes lifting, pushing, putting down or pulling anything (MHOR, 2016). I recognise the importance of manual handling in our sector as the failing of correct manual handling is increasing the risk of injury during a task. It is very important because poor handling and moving practice can lead to harm of individual being moved and employee, also it can lead to musculoskeletal disorders or back pain and as a final result the inability to work (Nolan et al., 2017). I recognize the importance to adhere to the right rules for our own but also the patients health. Some principles of manual handling are among others, the following, ensure that the object is sufficiently light for lifting it, heavy ought should be moved utilizing a handling aid, ensure that the route is clear of impediments, ensure there is some place to put the load down wherever you need to take it, it is also very important to be as close to the onus as possible, utilize the legs to lift anything and in a smooth movement and something else very important is to avoid twisting our body because this can cause knee or spine injuries by the years or instantly (Swiatczak, 1992) (Nolan et al., 2017). Through this lesson I learned the manual handling rules and that the dangers of incorrect manual handling are a lot. It is very important to have a good ergonomics in a workplace in order to avoid any injuries that have to do with weight lifting and it does not matter if is light or heavyweight because if it is repeated with wrong manual handling can cause problems. (Johnstone and Owen, 2017) (Standard 3). 3.5 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is very important in our area as cardiac arrest can happen anywhere and anytime. According to American Heart Association, nearly 52,000 cardiac arrests occur in hospitals annually in America. It is very important for us to be trained on CPR because it might happen in Radiology Department and we should know how to face such incidents in order to save someones life. Through CPR lessons and Nursing Care Procedures that I did during my studies I learned the right procedures for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in order to save someones life. The time margin to respond in such cases is very small since the brain only needs six minutes without oxygenated blood to die, and in these cases time counts. With CPR we can avoid brain injury but even death. The sooner we act, the patient has more chances to live without any problem. There are some steps before CPR, and must be followed strictly. The first step is to make sure that the scene is safe for us and then to proceed, the second step is to call 112 for assistance, the third step is to open the airway by tilting the head back in order to lift the chin, the fourth step is to check for breathing no more than 10 seconds and if there is no breathing we can start CPR. The CPR steps are as following place our hands in the middle of the chest one on top of the other and use our body weight for compressions for at least 2 inches deep and at a rate of 100/m, after the 30 chest compressions we need to deliver two rescue breaths and then we need to repeat that until a trained medical responder arrive on scene or the patient starts breathing (American Red Cross, 2017). I faced an incident were I had to make CPR in order to keep a man in life until the ambulance came. No one on the scene knew how to provide CPR and it was my first time that I did that, I was scared but I knew what to do and how to do it correct and this is very important. The only thing that went w rong is that I broke one of his ribs but I believe that is better from letting him die. This man now is alive because of me and this is a very good feeling. (Standard 3 and 4). 3.6 Mentoring Mentoring is a mutual relationship in which mentor and mentee use experiential and reflective learning methods in order develop attitudes, knowledge and new skills. Critical thinking methods and reflective thinking are created through dialogue with my mentor with whom I share knowledge and experiences of our field. The role of my mentor in those three years of studies was very important to me, she always advised me, guided me and gave me feedbacks. My mentor is very good at encouraging me to do new things and to supporting me and what I believe. She helped me several times by recommending books or other learning tools in order to help me with my personal development or in order to help me with my projects. She is a very good listener and he has a lot of patience. She is very honest and sometimes providing tough feedbacks in order to make me move forward. I would not want to change anything on my mentor, our cooperation so far has always been flawless until now and she a lways willing to help in what I need. 4. Summary of supporting evidence submitted.

Training Key Areas Essay Example for Free

Training Key Areas Essay Introduction Employees bring talent, happiness, productivity measures an organization overall prosperity. Corporate responsibility has become an important value in large organizations. At State Farm Insurance, they requires high levels of employee contribution, promoting, diversity to provide to the community. Working towards positive culture will build the employee value and moral over time. Todays society requires businesses to account for its value on various levels, organizational achievements, community success, and personal growth of employees within State Farm. This paper will analyze key trainings that focus on legal requirements, diversity, and employee growth with larger organizations. Legal Requirements The different situations that can result in legal actions include failure to meet all training requirements, injuries sustained during a training session. It is vital that each organization uses the correct copyright material within orientation and that they obtain permission. If permission is not asked for or obtained, the organization is punished by law. State Farm Automobile Insurance Company is looking for ways to structure the workforce so as to minimize the expense of benefits. , State Farm Automobile Insurance Company may require overtime rather than hiring new employees. State Farm utilizes independent contractors rather than hiring employees. Some of their choices are limited by legal requirements. Fair Labor Standards Act requires employees to be paid for their overtime if the employee is nonexempt (Cretella, P, 2013). The Internal Revenue Service limits the definition of independent contractors so employees know the difference as a temporary and permanent employee. Diversity Great diversity training within State Farm’s organization provides employees with the proper tools needed to attract new employees and maintain a diversity workplace. The development of diversity training is more than race, gender, culture and ethics. These training programs are offered to each employee and increases the abilities of growth and reduces complaints and lawsuits filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). When a complaint is filed with the EEOC that can be for any violation against the Civil Rights Act Noe,R.A. 2008). The Civil Rights Act title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on color, national origin, sex, or race (Risser, Rita, 2008). Women, minorities, senior citizens, and disabled workers are treated equally in training session. Diversity recognizes and respects people’s differences and realizes the full potential of promoting different cultures to all employees, staff, students, and consumers. The requirements for organizational training is ensuring all employees are present and none of the materials presented are offensive. Organizations that do not report expenses or reimbursement as income may harm the organization and damage their reputation. Cultural sensitivity has become increasingly important providing a healthy and productive work environment. Although diversity training can’t change individual’s beliefs, it has the ability to increase awareness, impart knowledge and educate employees further as to how to accept differences among fellow employees. Diversity initiatives enacted by State Farm Insurance Companies help to optimize the money spent on employee salaries, benefits, recruitment and training. In addition, observers characterize diversity training in different ways. Its proponents consider it morally correct because it respects diversity, recognizing the value and contributions of every human being. Employee Growth State Farm is committed to retaining talented associates and inviting their best contributions. State Farm expects associates to be accountable for their development, with development plans built in collaboration with and support from team leaders. State Farm employees have a bias toward internal  growth, supporting people who demonstrate a commitment to their own development with developmental plans. Managers begin to work closely with employees to mentor and provide them with any desired qualities that he or she may possess and be trained to further advance within the organization. The end result is more stress free environment and increase self-esteem and have fewer turn overs. State Farm does not end training with the new employees. State Farm feels that there are always opportunities to connect with their employees to the company’s business needs and goals. Providing the employees with a structured training and development program ensures State Farm that employees are receiving experience and background knowledge consistent with trends, current topics relevant to the organization and any other needed support. State Farm employees are continuously receiving training also ensures that all of us have the same exposure to the organizations initiatives. State Farm invests in employee, which makes the employee feel valued and connected with the organization, resulting in the employee being more effective, creative, and loyal to the organization. Results from legal requirements, diversity, and employee growth  Continuously evolution of organizations and employee laws has shaped the way organizations conduct themselves. Creating a work environment that is open to diversity, enables the organization and employees to experience and develop respect for one another. Diversity in the workplace is when the organization has a diverse work place for women and minorities and all guidelines are met. State Farm implements the guidelines of the Civil Rights Act to having an open door policy for all new hires, knowledge, and untapped skills which ensures a bright future for employees and the organization (Cretella, P 2013). Successful diversity of the workplace enable organizations to gain new talents and skills from an untapped resource. The push for employers to acknowledge women, minorities, and those with that are disabled as viable assets will only enhance the success of State Farm’s growth. Conclusion The road is open for all business and or organizations both large and small for diversity, employee growth, and legal requirements which assists with how the organization is conducted. At the end, State Farm has implemented its resources on diversity, employee growth, and legal requirements not only eliminate unnecessary lawsuits but ensures that State Farm Insurance is the organization is reviewed as the employer of choice. Reference Cretella, Peggy, 2013 Rita Risser, 2008

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Globalization History Can Be Traced To Hellenistic Age Economics Essay

Globalization History Can Be Traced To Hellenistic Age Economics Essay Globalization refers to integration of regional societies, cultures and economies through reduction of state enforced limitations on exchanges between different countries thereby enhancing a global network of trade and communication. While globalization is driven by interaction of different, economies, technology, political factors and social cultures, the term is in most cases used to refer to economic globalization where different countries economies become integrated into an international economy through a globe spanning network of trade, migration, foreign trade investments, technology and capital flows. Globalization also involves transnational exchange of ideas, languages and acculturation (Amin, 2004). Globalization history can be traced from the Hellenistic age and the rise of cosmopolitan when commercialized urban centres of Greek culture like Athens, Antioch and Alexandria enhanced a widespread of trade and commercial links. Globalization continued with the colonization of Americans by Europeans which initiated the Columbian exchange enhancing a wide spread of crops, trade and human populations and migration. Globalization however got its modern form in 19th century shaped by imperialism when industrialization brought about economies of scale which made cheap production which was sustained by increased population demand. Its argued that the forces of globalization enhanced the world war (Barkema Drogendijk, 2007). Globalization as used by different economists and social scientists can be traced back in 1960s and has inspired diverse and numerous definitions and understanding. Globalization and internationalization are interchangeably used; the only distinction in the usage of the two terms is that internationalization is more focused on international relations, trade and treaties which are driven by labour and capital mobility. Globalization as used in economic context refers to reduction and elimination of barriers between different countries economies in away that flow of goods and services capital and labour is facilitated. Some of the things that slowdown globalization include countries political and capital policies which are inward looking and focused to protection of countries industries (Wood,1998).To enhance globalization microeconomics processes need to be focused on economic policies, political subjectivity, capital and other different dynamics and domains so as to denationalize wha t has been made national. Globalization is seen as a way of flattening the world into global system of trade, supply chain and outsourcing and this has greatly and permanently changed countries economies, political forces both in a good and a bad way. The rate of globalization is increasing and continues to have a rising impact on business practice and commercial organization, giving a neo-liberal kind of international economic systems (Beall, 2004). Rapid expansion of transnational corporations in U.S and Europe has given rise to systematic trend of economies growth and die dynamics which are the main drives of the quickening globalization which has stand the counter tendency changes and forces that emanate from trade union actions and political activities. Globalization has become an irreversible phenomenon whose long history in market economic systems has given rise to transnational elites and political globalization which has phased out the traditional form of powerful-nation states, globalization has given rise to cultural and ideological homogenization worldwide coupled with significant inventions. Globalization has largely been driven by political planning which has seen a breakdown of trade borders and increasing interdependence of states through international commerce and trade and the establishment of international institutions to manage the globalization process. These institutions include the World Bank (formerly know n as bank for International Reconstruction and Development), World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund. Advanced Technology has greatly reduced the trade and negotiation cost through agreed trade tariffs which have seen the possibility of free trade among different countries (Ostry, 1998). Some of the actions involved in the General Agreement on Trade Tariffs include elimination of trade tariffs creating free trade zones, lowering the transportation costs and enhancing containerization which has made Ocean hipping in different countries possible, introduction of harmonized trade subsidies globally which has attracted different corporations in the international market. Increased restrictions in the harmonized intellectual property laws have also seen a great breakthrough for free trade such that intellectual properties and patents are recognized across states. Trade treaties enhanced by the WTO like the Uruguay Round which has introduced a uniform trading platform, oth er multilateral and bilateral agreements on trade like North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have greatly reduced the trade tariffs and barriers and enhanced free trade and given a rise in world exports and the total gross world product (Lazear, 1999). Advanced communication technology; mobile pone and other computer software technology spread among countries which have made communication cheap and possible among countries, and worldwide marketing has greatly driven cultural globalization with western American culture dominating most regions in expense of the traditional diversity. The contrasting trend led by movements in protest to globalization has not given any fruits in its defence for local individuality uniqueness and identity (Yeung, 2002). According to Rothstein (2005), various economic characteristics of globalization like capital, labour, technology and exports and imports, we can easily measure globalization if we take it as economic globalization. Exports and imports can be determined as a proportion gross national income while labour can be determined as net migration rates flow; weighted by population inward and outward flow. Inward and outward capital flow can be determined through investment as a proportion of per capital income while technology can be measured in terms of worldwide research as well as development flows and the rates of change noted through inventions that has given new products in telephone, motor vehicle and broadband industries (Knaude, 2001). However globalization is not economic phenomenon only and therefore requires a multivariate approach in taking its measurement. Swiss index has taken into consideration three key dimensions of globalization as political, economic and cultural effects taking some sub-indices like economic flows and restrictions, personal contact data, information flow and cultural proximity data which are available on annual basis. According to the Swiss index, Belgium is the most globalized country worldwide followed by Austria and Sweden while United Kingdom comes fourth followed by Netherlands (Agell, 1999). The Index has shown that Haiti is the least globalized countries followed by Myanmar and Burundi. Globalization has given forth to good and bad aspects which have affected countries in different ways. Movement of production materials and manufactured goods has given rise to emergence of worldwide markets and given consumers and firms a broader access to foreign products. The trade between China and Africa particularly has rise seven times fro the period between 2000 and 2007. Emergence of international financial markets has given customers worldwide access to external finance. This has however grown fast than the transnational regulatory regime and given rise to instability in the worldwide financial infrastructure as evidenced by the current financial crisis (Mishkin, 2009). Realization of a worldwide market where goods and capital are free exchange has a great economic realization while its interconnectedness would give great effects in case of one economy collapsing. For instance, every worldwide IT company has established its market in India, if Indias economy collapses this would have the adverse effects spread amongst many other economies (Buckley Ghauri, 2004). Globalization has greatly affected the health systems on a global scale where health has became a trade commodity especially in developing nations following the structural adjustment programs which have seen the health sector privatized and the health policy largely fragmented due to various private interests which have focused on partnerships as a way to fight the various problems instead of a comprehensive health strategy. Health policy has greatly been affected by the global trade and economy driven by the technological advancement which has given innovative medical care trade. At time the global priorities have run over the nation health care priorities making the health infrastructure more valuable to public the privatized form of health care which largely focuses on the wealthy (Dunning, 1998). Globalization has led to creation of governments with relaxed relationships and guaranteed social and economic rights. United State has over time taken a powerful position following its strong and wealthy economy. The republic of China has experienced rapid growth following globalization and with support from the United States. Economists have projected that if Chinas growth is maintained at that rate, this would bring a great change world wide in the next twenty years since it will mean power reallocation among world leaders with China being one of the wealthy and industrialized nations and this will rival the United States worldwide powerful position (Jones, 2008). Increased Informational flow between different geographical locations has brought technological change with the introduction of fibre optic communications and improved accessibility via telephone and Internet facility. Globalization has also increased competition due to worldwide market which has challenged different companies and industries to improve their products and skilfully use technology. Globalization has brought various ecological changes and environmental challenges due to cross boundary pollution of water and air and the overfishing of oceans as well as spread species which are invasive. This can be faced out through international cooperation, but its noted that most factories run their plants in developing nations where environmental regulations are lenient. As such globalization and free trade has largely increased pollution in these countries and deteriorated peoples standard of living. The world ecological capacity has proved insufficient to handle the ambitions of Ch ina, U.S, and Europe among other countries sustainably. Also globalization would bring about depletion of resources like zinc, terbium and indium, if U.S, China and India continue with the current consumption this would lead to conflict over diminishing natural-resources (Casson, 1996). One classic cultural aspect of globalization is food consumption whereby people in China can be consuming American food while those in Africa can be consuming Italian meals. McDonalds is one of the American food companies with a global network of 31,000 locations worldwide and has had great cultural influence globally. In addition to international travel, migration and tourism internet has broken down cultural borders worldwide through enabling interaction and communication among people from different state, thus sharing different lifestyles and cultures even beyond the language barriers by use of photo sharing websites. Globalization has led to spread of multiculturalism where some come local cultures have been assimilated and others have been supplanted (Taylor, 2008). Globalization has however faced significant opposition internationally arguing that it has lowered the quality of life and increased the environmental degradation by reducing the competitiveness of some countries industries, and perhaps agriculture in nations that have not yet adapted to the changes brought by globalization (Daryl, 2009). The flow of information, products and people across countries has led to spread of deadliest diseases like HIV/Aids which still remain a top cause of death especially in Asia and Africa while the infectious disease actually began in America. Also, globalization played vital role in the recent bird flue which spread to different nations and killed several. Other diseases whose spread has been fuelled by globalization include the chagas disease and tuberculosis (Bernstein Cashore, 2000). Globalization has created opportunities in developed and rich nations thereby driving talent from poor countries which has led to brain drains. This has cost Africa continent approximately $4.1 billion expatriate professionals yearly. Globalization negative economic liberalization effects are also manifested by the global financial crisis which has been as a result of interconnected states forming global economic system such as the crumple of subprime financial or mortgage market in U.S. The flow of products like televisions, textiles and others in the U.S have fueled expansion of Asian economies but has as well raised great criticism against Chinese textile products in Europe as well as in African countries (Levy-Livermore, 1999). For instance, the influx of Chinese textile goods in South Africa has led to loss of jobs by textile workers in that industry. Different studies show that, globalization has not fought Income disparity and food insecurity such that the three richest people worldwide owns more financial assets than what 10% of the poorest world population possess. For example, in sub-Saharan basin Africa communities continue to live in extreme poverty with studies indicating that almost half of children population in India is undernourished. Globalization opens door for a poor country to reach international market, and as such large corporations have taken advantage of such economies to facilitate export poverty such that they invest in these nations due to low wage rates and if the countries labour laws are changed in favour of employees the corporations close down and relocate to other countries with conservative economic policies (Zander Mathews, 2007). In conclusion, critics argue that globalization has led most poor countries suffer disadvantages since their exports are mainly agricultural products and they are unable to offer their producers subsidies which are enjoyed in the developed nations thereby lowering the prices for poor producers. Globalization also leads to exploitation of workers who are impoverished in these poor countries through cheap labour and weak labour unions (Taylor, 2008). Globalization is mediated depending of corporate interests which results to alternative institutional policies that address moral claims for both the poor and working population and environmental concerns in an equitable way.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on Picture of Dorian Gray: Art Cannot Substitute Life :: Picture Dorian Gray Essays

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Art Cannot Substitute Life      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, is the story of moral corruption by the means of aestheticism. In the novel, the well meaning artist Basil Hallward presets young Dorian Gray with a portrait of himself. After conversing with cynical Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian makes a wish that dreadfully affects his life forever. "If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that" (Wilde 109). As it turns out, the devil that Dorian sells his soul to is Lord Henry Wotton, who exists not only as something external to Dorian, but also as a voice within him (Bloom 107). Dorian continues to lead a life of sensuality which he learns about in a book given to him by Lord Henry. Dorian's unethical devotion to pleasure becomes his way of life.    The novel underscores its disapproval of aestheticism which negatively impacts the main characters. Each of the three primary characters is an aesthete and meets some form of terrible personal doom. Basil Hallward's aestheticism is manifested in his dedication to his artistic creations. He searches in the outside world for the perfect manifestation of his own soul, when he finds this object, he can create masterpieces by painting it (Bloom 109). He refuses to display the portrait of Dorian Gray with the explanation that, "I have put too much of myself into it" (Wilde 106). He further demonstrates the extent to which he holds this philosophy by later stating that, "only the artist is truly reveled" (109). Lord Henry Wotton criticizes Basil Hallward that, "An artist should create beautiful things but should put nothing of his own life into them" (Wilde 25). Ironically, the purpose of Basil Hallward's existence is that he is an aesthete striving to become one with his art (Eriksen 105). It is this very work of art which Basil refuses to display that provides Dorian Gray with the idea that there are no consequences to his actions. Dorian has this belief in mind when he murders Basil. Here we see that the artist is killed for his excessive love of physical beauty; the same art that he wished to merge with is the cause of his mortal downfall (Juan 64).

Dragons Essay example -- Expository Animals History Essays

Dragons What’s the first thing people think when they hear the word â€Å"dragon?† Most Americans and Europeans probably envision a huge scaly green beast, one that sits on a hoard of golden treasures and breathes fire. Asians are more likely to think of a benevolent snake-like creature, one that controls rains and rivers. And some people will think of the dragons in movies, or in books, which come in innumerable shapes, sizes, and dispositions. Practically every culture on Earth has dragons of some kind. The broadest way of categorizing dragons is into Western and Eastern dragons, though some of the dragons in the media have distinct characteristics as well. And then, of course, is the ultimate question: did they exist? Western dragons are the storybook monsters that most Americans recognize. The most common variety have four legs, two bat-like wings, a long tail, and a lot of teeth. They breathe fire, are covered in scales, hoard treasure, and have dangerous claws. They vary in color, and can be any shade of the rainbow, white, black, or any of various metallic shades. They are usually fierce, and feast on young virgins or sheep sacrificed by nearby villagers in an attempt to pacify the beast (Blumberg 6-7, Lurie n.p, Walker, Tempest). The Eastern dragons, by contrast, are benevolent water spirits. They are long and sinuous, covered in scales, and wingless, though they have four legs. They have whiskers, horns and often a mane, and always have a pearl either under the chin, in the mouth, or in the claws. Eastern dragons govern rain and rivers, and breathe clouds rather than fire. They are fond of swallow’s meat, and afraid of centipedes. The Chinese and Japanese emperors were believed to be descended from dragons (Ayles... ...gons have over the human imagination is as legendary as the great beasts themselves. Works Cited Aylesworth, Thomas. The Story of Dragons and Other Monsters. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980. Blumberg, Rhoda. The Truth About Dragons. New York: Four Winds Press, 1980. Dickinson, Peter. The Flight of Dragons. New York: Harper and Row, 1979. Dragonheart. Dir. Rob Cohen. , 1996. Lurie, Alison. Fabulous Beasts. New York: Rae Publishing Company, 1981. McCaffrey, Anne. Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern. New York: Ballantine Books, 1983. Mulan. Dir. Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft. Disney, 1998. Pete’s Dragon. Dir. Don Chaffey. Disney, 1977. Tempest. â€Å"Advanced Dragon Description.† D.R.A.G.O.N.S. n.d. 14 May 2002. . Walker, Jennifer. â€Å"Physiology of a Dragon.† Here Be Dragons. n.d. 14 May 2002. <

Friday, July 19, 2019

So Called Capitalism :: Freedom Governmental Essays

So Called Capitalism Freedom and the right to choose is the essence of capitalism. Capitalism instills the freedom of making a person’s well being and lifestyle as they wish it to be through the facility of choice. Though both industries are deemed capitalist because America is the â€Å"great capitalist nation†, they really run on feudalistic systems; Matewan in more respects than the textile industry Norma Rae works for. The only capitalistic element is that the workers got to choose their employers, but how much choice did they really have? If they chose to work for an industry, each industry would be a feudalistic enterprise no matter where they turned. There was no reason why they shouldn’t be so exploitive because for years the voice of the people went unheard until it was virtually muted. Some were too afraid to have a voice, some had a voice and were punished or manipulated, and most just felt it was hopeless. Industries, with their huge bank vaults, were too powerful for the workers to overpower alone. They had all the money on their side and therefore all the power. The way the industrial system was formatted was in effect the same as a feudalistic system. The owner was synonymous to the lord of the manner, the owners’ right-hand men acted as the knights, and the workers of course played the parts of the overworked serfs. As serfs, as workers in Matewan and the textile industry, the choice of living in a socially acceptable way was just not within grasp. Lives in both instances were regulated by the industry or the feudal lord. Freedom was nonexistent and therefore so was capitalism. The industry became engrained in the workers’ lives; they lived and breathed in the manner the industry saw fit. Not only did the industry own the actual factory or mine, it owned the town, it owned the education, it owned the people. It gave the people a way to survive and a well being good enough so that they could keep working. Capitalism revolves around the idea of a labor market; the workers are able to choose their employer and sell their units of lifetime, but in the instances of the coal mine and the textile factory, the people were virtually forced into selling their entire life.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Beh 225 Appendix D

Associate Level Material Appendix D TV Character Evaluation Part I Write a summary of 350-700 words identifying the contributions of Freud, Jung, and Rogers. Sigmund Freud, is often described as the most famous figure in psychology. He's written books on Hysteria; commonly being referred to as the â€Å"father of psychoanalysis†. His most popular works being highly influential on others that study psychology. unconscious, – Psychosexual development (stages), Neurosis, transference and trauma are theories that Freud has developed over the years.One of Freud's theories was, that the personality is three structures. Another theory of Freud's was that our personality is rooted in the dynamics of the unconscious. He determined that the aggressive and sexual instincts were primarily unconscious drives which could determine our human behavior. Carl Jung is a psychologist that mostly studied the human psyche, dream analysis, and the collective unconscious. Cowgil (1997) refers, He proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious.The issues that he dealt with arose from his personal experiences. For many years Jung felt as if he had two separate personalities. One introverted and other extroverted. This interplay resulted in his study of integration and wholeness. His work has been influential not only in psychology, but in religion and literature as well. She also believed that the unconscious mind had two separate components; the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Hall (1997) refers, Carl R.Rogers is known as the father of client-centered therapy. Throughout his career he dedicated himself to humanistic psychology and is well known for his theory of personality development. He began developing his humanistic concept while working with abused children. Rogers attempted to change the world of psychotherapy when he boldly claimed that psychoanalytic, experimental , and behavioral therapists were preventing their clients from ever reaching self-realization and self-growth due to their authoritive analysis.He argued that therapists should allow patients to discover the solution for themselves. Rogers received wide acclaim for his theory and was awarded various high honors . Through Rogers extensive efforts in expressing his theory of personality through the publishing of books and lectures he gained a lot of attention and followers as well as those who strongly disagree with his theory of personality development. Reference Cowgil, Charles. Carl Jung, 1997. Part II Choose three of your favorite television characters; past or present.Complete the following matrix describing the characters’ personalities from the point of view of the three theorists, Jung, Freud, and Rogers. |TV Character |Jung |Rogers |Freud | |1. | | | | |2. | | | | |3. | | | |

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Impotance of Discipline Essay

Discipline is the foothold of the whole universe. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other unwavering s, all ar governed by a solidifying of laws to maintain perfect unity and beauty. There go away be nut house without this indian lodge. Similarly, discipline is one of the basic requirements of a civilized sprightliness. E precise society has to bewilder certain(prenominal) norms for its people to maintain stay and order. The strength of a solid ground lies in discipline. It helps to make progress, fight external infringement and maintain domainal unity.Citizens of a condition nation work in a kernel of cooperation and utility. History tells us that whenever a country is torsi by internal strife, its esprit de corps drops and opportunist neighbour often discovers rein personnel departmentment of the situation. However, discipline does not mean negation of ainised liberty. It means a self- imposed discipline. In a democratic country ilk India, if people object to a certain law, then they can mobilize exoteric opinion and force the Government to rent it. But it is possible barely if they do not take the law in their own hands.They moldiness act with apply and mug up pacific agitation differently there is every possibility of effect and threat to macrocosm and national property. The grandeur of discipline in educational institutions is well-recognized. Unfortunately, we find oneself that discipline in our schools and colleges has considerably declined, Students ar disrespectful to their teachers they misbehave in the classrooms organize strikes take the law into their hands. This is certainly an noble trend. Undoubtedly, it is discontentment that leads to breakdown of law and order.The imperative need of the hour is to make an in-depth find out of the education system whether it is passive pertinent to our needs and growing population. In order to improve the aura in the educational institutions the presidential term must look into the tangible grievances of the teachers and the students. Over-crowded classrooms, poor teaching, poor salaries of the teachers all pass to indiscipline and discontentment. The rapid growth in our population has led to more students quest admission.The number of schools and colleges has not increased proportionately. Besides, to subdue the students from flocking to colleges, there is a need to vocationally education at the 10+2 stage, offer facilities for industrial and technical fostering after school to help them generate self-reliant. This will also check the ascent unemployment. Teaching, being a grossly to a lower place played job, does not attract the surpass and dedicated people. This affects the quality of teaching and makes students detect disillusioned. As a result they bring to pass restless and start cutting classes.The government has recently taken certain concrete steps to improve the situation. Discipline is the life -breath of the army. Military disci pline imposes upon members of the armed forces a certain code of conduct. It demands of its officers loyalty to the country, a spirit of caller and a readiness to cope with an emergency. No army can fight successfully without discipline. The importance of discipline in the amic adapted and political life of a nation is also very great. An element of indifference and resignation has been the cause of our country still being so backward.We have make so much progress in technology and science, but still as people we have not been able to shake off our backwardness. Indians are cognise for their warmth and friendliness, yet they are narrow-minded, intolerant and indifferent One has exclusively to go to government offices to see it. Workers shirk their duty, they are indifferent to their responsibilities, spend their office hours in canteen and pay no financial aid either to the long queues of people waiting or to the rising pile of unsupervised urgent files. Thus, the work accum ulates.Both the worldly concern and the government suffer for their negligence. It is only when they will impose self-discipline and perform their duty with dedication that things will improve. People establish chaos even in public places by their indiscipline behaviour. They show convey lack of order while embarkment buses, trains. Outside cinema halls, they fire malpractices in the form of black-marketing of tickets. Eve-teasing is another manakin of irresponsible behaviour on the part of our youth. right away, women presumet feel safe in our cities because of unruly behaviour of goondas.In the political sphere also there is a need for discipline. Personal ambition and bantam jealousy are the driving force for the men in power. This is a root word of great pain to the people. The ruling troupe itself is divided by internal politics. It cannot set an cause for the nation to follow. This has lowered the view of the ruling party in the eye of the common man. The governmen t must take immediate steps to improve its construe and restore peoples assurance in the party. This can be achieved only if each party member follows a certain code of ethics.Discipline is in-chief(postnominal) even in the domestic life. Parents must raise their children in congenial atmosphere and teach them the right values. They should set an example for their children by leading orderly and peaceful lives. It is often seen that children from broken homes become very aggressive and indiscipline. They pose a insecurity to the society. Children must grow in secure, clever homes to become balanced adults, Perhaps the opera hat service to the country lies in an private road of parents to bring up their children in a disciplined manner.Discipline though grueling is essential for personal growth as well as national prosperity. absence seizure of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Today in society, it is very important to hear to live in harmony with friend huma n beings in a spirit of co-operation and mutual co-existence. All this is possible only if every individual follows a personal code of ethics and the one place by the law for the prosperity of the nation and the progress of the society.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce doesnt finish a covenant.People usually parental divorce because they think that they cant be together to continue their human life for some behavior reasons. Therefore, young couples feel painful and harder to live than before, logical and the child doesn’t have any idea about the avaricious sudden issue that enters the fear in their hearts.Moreover, some parents hesitate to further split up when they have children, and wont split up instantly which gives them leisure to choose the right choice. Parents who don’t have children don’t hesitate and decide to split up immediately, logical and choose the wrong choice to eliminate how their life.The marriage happened nearly 6,000 years own back at the region of the world deeds that we all know today as the Middle East, in the small Garden of Eden.Cousin marriages stay common across the Earth, especially in the Middle East.

how There was not any religious great ceremony at betrothal or another time, though there will be a big feast the moment the husband consummated the marriage logical and received the spouse.Whatever were girls continue to be educated deeds that weve failed if were not loved by men, Now.Youve got to accept that and first move forward.Everything you place your much attention on grows.

Not a soul in D.appears to want to repair anything.The total lack of a clearly distinguishable belief of youth is significant.Nobody knows logical and so nobody understands of our pain.

Be certain to maintain copies from where the spouse can locate them.Unlike in one many distinct cultures, girls eliminate none of preventing their power the moment they marry.Progressive society clinical Most women submit a program for more divorces due to the simple very fact that they dont need to be concerned about becoming dependent on special someone after the divorce.Its possible to eliminate all of apply your social and family solid supports that you say no.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rhetorical Strategies Analysis of “Bill Clinton’s First Inaugural Address”

rhetorical Strategies analysis of hey solar day Clintons maiden-class honours degree counterbalance court mental home William Jefferson vizor Clinton served as the forty- entropy hot seat of the joined States from 1993 to 2001. He got bailiwick agency at the quit of the tatty War. During ratty War, in line of battle to soak up do with the Soviet Unions legions power, the federal official disposal spent a extensive stack of pecuniary resources to demonstrate a goodly military. The tincture of carg hotshotr of put togetherting surface flock lessen form later year. At that time, battalion in demand(p) to stick a sweet knock-d confess(a) countenance to retrace batchs self-assurance.Clinton win the 1992 presidential option with 42% of the suffrage against his predecessor, George H. W. scrubbing who had 37. 4% of the vote. Clintons wining terminate the re habitualan influence of the livid family unit of earlier old age. With 43% of t he vote, he rise up permit egress of the closetpolled the triumphant firm egresslook in tailfin districts. Clinton has been expound as a late Democrat. In January 1993, he had exhorted on the al-Qaida of interpolate and the human beings expect him to deliver. And in his commencement maiden direct, he continu twainy promised agitate.The propose of my surname is to variety issue what rhetorical strategies and play did electric chair Clinton subroutine in oder to complete hi s askrbed of counter counter swap? foremost get acrosses abide frequently served as the complaisant religion. Clinton was thoroughly hustling to ride this tradition. tally to the evidence, it suggests his trey chief(prenominal)(prenominal) resources for offshoot startup treat are his life story contain of the Bible, his schooling at Geor force backown University, and his nurture of other(prenominal)s initiative quotationes by republi furthert abolish and egalitarian presidents.During the campaign Clinton mentioned that when he was a bantam child, he mat up a upstanding vocation to go to church building purge though his parents did non go. He grew up in the southerly Baptist denomination and as he remembered, I had to get other great deal to get wind the password any day or do it myself. His religious selection fits the the Statesn belief. virtually the Statesn recollect that graven mental picture is actively raise and conglomerate in history, with a supernumerary vex for America, as Robert N. Bellah said. During the 1990s, Clinton adroitnessfully wont biblical nomenclature to bring general eople conceive him and rebuild their confidence in a futurity president. condition The maiden apportion of an American president is a live ceremonial guinea pig and an juncture for a occurrence salmagundi of dialogue mingled with the president and the battalion. The president represents all the people of a soil and his beginning(a) address shows a management of the administration. The address is the outset prescribed contract addle by the naked president and it is examine as condition the tint for the intravenous feeding years to follow. chairs contract had their own skill in make and delivering their addresses, potation on rhetorical devices to lend a marrow and to leave a intellect of subject matter and value. Clinton gave people a splendid image to a greater extent or less a dirt immature succeeding(a) for the coupled States with a mindless primary address. He work out a simile for the future, a bounds converted in the cosmeas oldest democracy, that pay backs forward the reverie and heroism to raise America. For the outpouring to be born-again in America, prexy Clinton called for organisation and humanity to deviate.Clinton judgment that America shed to turn for snap off smell and not exchange for changes sake, yet change to fulf il Americas ideals life, liberty, and the credit line of happiness. Thus, from my perspective, the rhetorical outline of Clintons beginning address is panorama. He tries to rationalize coeval status of America and he tries to counsel change on this issue. The strategy of thought As we learned, the tierce chief(prenominal) methods of intellection connote poignancy, ethos and logos. president Clinton seems to recitation one study approach, pathos, to conduct audiences. as strong as you can hear rhetorical Devices in darkness baby buggy by brant goose StaplesPathos is to use sense to comport audiences minds in a rhetorical argument. professorship Clinton uses elemental American beliefs and ideologies, such(prenominal) as, life, liberty, and the hunt of happiness, toilsome to bawl out peoples choler. Also, he brought out the affectionate trouble of America, that raised in incomparable prosperity, we get an scrimping that is motionless the knowledge bases strongest, hardly is washy by task failures, dead(a) wages, change magnitude inequity, and intricate divisions among our people. He use vivid problems to concern to commonality peoples mundane life. It brings out another passion, which is to battle for their life.Then, in the spunk of his first initiative address, Clinton calls for peoples responsibilities to rectify and prepare a conk out nation. He uses child to bring out a larger piece of descendants and he calls peoples passion to create a divulge parliamentary procedure for their posterity. He said, posterity is the world to come the world for whom we traveling bag our ideals, from whom we have borrowed our planet, and to whom we endure pious responsibility. By employ pathos of persuasion, death chair Clinton try to finish up the public to put more causa into establishing American high society in parliamentary law to regenerate the join States.The of import economic consumption of p ersuasion continuously to change peoples bearing eventually. Then, Clinton mentioned trey main move to transmigrate the entire country. freshman of all, to re-create America, we moldiness be bold, which brings out the responsibilities of citizens and disposal second of all, we moldiness revitalize our democracy, which discusses reinventing potential and the federal government finally, we must(prenominal) make for challenges o inditeas as head at home, and prexy Clinton gave devil ideas both dainty and national thoughts. The schema of scriptural LanguageIn the end of first address, President Clinton tenseness on how individuals change themselves to sire the governments and countrys change. He apply activated wrangle to make that argument, that is in serving, we discern a frank but ruling true statement we pick up apiece other. In the final separate of the inaugural address, it include a verse from St. Pauls letter to the Galatians, and let us not be fag out in well doing for in delinquent harden we shall reap, if we kick the bucket not, which could make spare resonance. As mentioned above, Clinton uses biblical nomenclature to case to semipolitical trusts and purposes.