Simulating War Chapter 1 Grenade! Bang! F on the whole spinal column, fall back! Johnson, hold the obligation and call the air strike. Rodger Sir, Falcons Nest line hold in, come in. The quarry is painted, I repeat the get is painted! The communicate gave a squeal and came to demeanor, Rodger, were on our way. Sir theyre on their way. Good job Johnson well be out of here in no beat. SNIPER! BANG! UUUGGGHHH! Sir, Sir atomic number 18 you all right? Johnson youre in command, said Colonel Robertson in a syncope voice, Tell Alpha and applaud to take the colony deuce clicks from here, and... Sir, Sir? You cant die here, Sir? Crap. How could something like this happen? Falcons Nest come in, Colonel Robertson is dead, I repeat Colonel Robertson is dead. Come in Falcons Nest, come in. The radio crackled to life for Johnson to hear, Mayday mayday, were going down, Falcons Nest is going down. Johnson looked up to study the blazing fire ball which do it look as if there were d evil suns. Then it happened, Falcons Nest three bombs made to knock off up the bridge, just blew up, still in its airdock bay. at that place was an eerie silence. Chapter 2 Johnson got his M4 ready and incured running to were Alpha and spat were waiting. Where is Colonel Robertson?

asked one of the soldiers in Bravo. Hes dead, but we have no cadence to mourn. The Colonels last order was to take the village about two clicks from here. But sir what about the bridge, we saw Falcons Nest go down. represent that objective to me. But first, half of you give me one grenade. cabaret men walked up and handed him their grenades. When you hear the first explosion, incite making your wa! y to the village. Alpha you will... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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